Roadmap to Zero

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GNET hosted two forums exploring our region's renewable energy future in April and June following the release of the Roadmaps ‘Agriculture’ and 'Energy as an Enabler'. Presenters included Alistair Parker (VicGrid), Ruchika Deora (C4Net), Toyota, ThinkAgri, GWM Water plus more. Presentations from the Energy as an Enabler Forum can be viewed online.
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GNET releases Roadmaps for ‘Community Energy’ ‘Agriculture’, and ‘Energy as an Enabler’. Each report identifies numerous opportunities, challenges, stakeholder engagement findings and desired outcomes for each roadmaps as well as outputs and actions to direct the next steps towards the goal of Net Zero Emissions by 2050.


A carbon neutral future for the Grampians region is now in clear view and the roadmap to guide the region to its net zero emissions destination is released.
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Victoria's emissions fell to 24.8% below 2005 levels, exceeding the Victorian Government's 2020 target for a 15-20% reduction.


GNET, in collaboration with a number of regional organisations, set out to develop a strategic plan that would decarbonise the entire Grampians region by 2050. The strategic plan – The Roadmap to Zero Emissions for the Grampians Region (R2Z) – will show how with clear and targeted actions from within the region and beyond, from government and industry, the region can achieve beyond zero emissions.
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On 23 February 2017, the Climate Change Bill 2016 was passed by the Victorian Parliament to create a new Climate Change Act, positioning Victoria as a leader in climate change action.