The Decarbonising Victoria Forum was held in Ballarat on 23 August 2019. Opened by The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change; Minister for Solar Homes.
An important part of planning for a regional net zero carbon future is ensuring that those living and working in the region inform and embed their aspirations, ideas, concerns and preferences.
This forum was attended by industry stakeholders and experts who discussed regional net zero carbon projects and the realities of a net zero carbon future for your region.
Decarbonising Victoria Forum was an opportunity for invited stakeholders to contribute to and influence this region’s Zero-Carbon Roadmap. The working draft of the Grampians Regional Roadmap to Zero Emissions was explored. Industry and government stakeholders took take the opportunity to voice their preferences and priorities and influence the development of the Grampian’s net zero carbon future.
An important part of planning for a regional zero-carbon future is ensuring that those living and working in the region inform and embed their aspirations, ideas, concerns and preferences. Participation and influence are crucial in deciding and declaring our Roadmap to Zero Emissions and its ‘carbon future’.
In the morning, delegates were encouraged by trusted experts as they explained the region’s Roadmap to Zero and the actual possibilities, benefits and options of planning for a net zero carbon future in our region. A series of short case studies of real regional examples of communities and businesses from transport, farming, industry, energy supply and others who are already starting to create their own net zero carbon futures were presented.
Small, facilitated round-table discussions were held where delegates discussed and debated various decarbonising themes relevant to them. Delegates tabled ideas, preferences, questions and concerns about a net zero carbon future and the Roadmap itself. Each round-table discussion will inform the ongoing development of the Roadmap to Zero.
“I always love coming to events that are related to GNET because I know that when I come to these events, you’ve got strong representations from all aspects of community or sectors.”