GWM Water Solar Project
GWMWater has formally committed to a pledge of reducing carbon emissions by 19% by 2025 but does have an aspiration of becoming a net renewable energy generator. GWMWater has considerable natural advantage by virtue of its location in North Western Victoria with access to sun, wind and open space to develop renewable energy opportunities.
GWMWater has developed a Clean Energy Strategy that identifies a suite of Renewable Energy Opportunities. Behind the meter solar is the most viable opportunity and GWMWater is presently delivering a $3.2 million program of behind the meter installations across its operating facilities.
GWMWater anticipates meeting the obligation to reduce its carbon emissions by 19% by 2025 well ahead of schedule. The current $3.2 million program will enable GWMWater to achieve its 19% reduction by the end of the 2020 calendar year.
Further information - The Weekly Advertiser, Utility Magazine