Efforts to economically prepare Wimmera for low-carbon future to ramp up in 2020

THE Grampians New Energy Taskforce wants more of the renewable energy generated in Western Victoria to remain in the region, in the hope more of the economic benefits will also stay.

It comes after Melbourne University economics professor Ross Garnaut discussed the Wimmera's role in a post-carbon economy at a series of events in Horsham on Tuesday and Wednesday.

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City of Ballarat Hydrogen Trial

City of Ballarat’s Hydrogen City project is investigating the opportunities presented by hydrogen as a versatile energy source. This project’s focus is on producing hydrogen using renewable wind energy and recycled water. This clean hydrogen could be incorporated into the whole energy system to provide power and gas to industry and households, power to transport and greater storage capacity to Ballarat.

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Renewable Energy

To reach its full economic potential the region will not only need to successfully develop further renewable energy projects but also increase the benefits of those projects to local communities, and utilise the locally produced energy to develop new and emerging industries such as hydrogen production, manufacturing and mining.

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